Online Consent Management System

From Date:
To Date:
Regional Office:

From : 01/04/2015 To : 04/04/2024 Regional Office : All

Category No. of Received Application No. of Granted Applications No. of Rejected Applications No. of Pending Applications
Within Time Beyond Time Within Time Beyond Time Within Time Beyond Time
Red 13106 8960 2578 544 1010 0 14
Orange 58979 45857 7398 3125 2574 0 25
Green 73851 65127 4363 3108 1227 0 26
Category No. of Received Application No. of Granted Applications No. of Rejected Applications No. of Pending Applications
Within Time Beyond Time Within Time Beyond Time Within Time Beyond Time
Red 1354 794 245 86 216 0 13
Orange 13687 10978 1166 651 889 0 3
Green 20073 18111 553 901 491 0 17
No. of Received Application No. of Granted Applications No. of Rejected Applications No. of Pending Applications
0 Within Time Beyond Time Within Time Beyond Time Within Time Beyond Time
0 0 0 0 0 0
No. of Received Application No. of Granted Applications No. of Rejected Applications No. of Pending Applications
12314 Within Time Beyond Time Within Time Beyond Time Within Time Beyond Time
10142 1514 490 140 0 28